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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Explanation of Blade Lie

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I searched and read and read aoout blade lie and could not find the information I needed to see so maybe once and for all someone can clear this up for me. I understand the concept but the numbering system confuses me. If the number lie is lower, does that mean the blade sits flat farther away from your body? I am a shorter guy and i have been wondering if a lower lie is more suitable orif it is all personal preference, as well as the rest of the theories behind selection of lie. Also if anyone can help me find a link with this info It would be appreciated. Thank you!

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There are some somewhat helpful images in the Warrior catalog (posted at the top of the ice hockey forum) although the angle that they drew it at isn't the greatest.

Your description of a lower lie allowing the blade to sit flat farther from the body holds true.

Speaking in terms of angles, a lower lie will have a greater angle between the shaft and the blade, a higher lie will have a lesser angle.

Hopefully this makes sense and helps clear it up for you.

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Let me try to exlain it with a personal example, because lies are very personal things.

I tend to skate with the puck quite far away from my body, and because I'm tall (6'3") that means the blade sits quite far away.

Now, one of the most important pieces in shooting, passing, stickhandling, or receiving passes is having the majority of the blade on the ice; in other words you want as much of blade on the ice as possible.

In my case, a lower lie of about a 5 allows the blade to make more contact with the ice. Other people who keep the puck closer to their body or use a shorter stick (read: shorter people) can use a higher lie. If I used a Hatcher patter from Mission (7 lie) the very edge of the heel would touch the ice but everything else up to the toe would be up off the ice, and I'd be missing passed under my blade like crazy.

The best test to determine if your current lie is working is to look at the tape wear on your current stick; if the heel is really worn away it means your lie is too high, and you need to use a lower one. If the toe is really worn it means the lie is too low; and if the wear is even from heel to toe it means the lie is correct. I really notice it with passes though; if I'm losing a lot of passes under the blade the lie is too high. That's why I had to get rid of my Si-core Lidstrom, the lie was simply too high.

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