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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hyper PRO 250 micro?

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Dos Hyper still produce the white micro model of the PRO 250?. I cant see it on their new website only the standart model. I think the Hyper PRO 250 84A is the best outdoor wheel you can buy. I play on asphalt outdoors.

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yes i have been looking at that site, thanks. I need some Rink Rat Hornets to. But if Hyper don´t make the micro any more i better stock up.

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yes i have been looking at that site, thanks. I need some Rink Rat Hornets to. But if Hyper don´t make the micro any more i better stock up.

Just so you know, the wheels pictured on that site are standard hub. Ive never seen a micro hub outdoor wheel to tell you the truth.

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yes i have been looking at that site, thanks. I need some Rink Rat Hornets to. But if Hyper don´t make the micro any more i better stock up.

Just so you know, the wheels pictured on that site are standard hub. Ive never seen a micro hub outdoor wheel to tell you the truth.

Yes that's true. I ordered a set of those wheels from hockeyoffice firsthand though. That was 6 months back when I was on CCM Cages. The set I got was micro hub and colored white, not orange.

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yes they stopped making pro250 white micro wheels.i just bought the last of there inventory on this wheel in 80mm. i do have 3 sets of hilo72mm/80mm? i have a listing on ebay for a set u can check out.

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Thanks mrciv, but i´ll be using an all 76mm set up on my new sprung frames. So i better stock up on the white micros.

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