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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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grippers vs. dynasty wheels

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Please, do a search if you can. These two wheels have been discussed countless times on the boards, and if you really haven't been reading, it would be a good idea to start, since other people are much more critical than I am.

I'll tell you that the dynasty is a faster wheel, since the core is of a harder material, and in general, the urethane used has more rebounding strength. The Gripper is simply urethane around a plastic hub, making it good for stopping, since it flexes well and has a good contact patch, but will not be as fast as the dynasty due to material reasons.

The Dynasty is a better wheel, but it comes at a price.

And seriously, I just looked at your post, and all you really had to do was go onto a website that sells the wheels, and compare the specs. Seriously, don't post a trivial question like this unless you really tried searching/browsing and got nothing. Your question doesn't even require the use of the board, and could have been completely avoided.

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