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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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9k "D" vs Vector Pro "E"

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I did a search but couldn't find anything :(

I've been playing for the past year or so with a pair of Vector Pro size 10E.

I can get this good deal on "almost new" pair of RBK 9k's 10D.

My question is, how big will the width difference between both?

Is there a measure unit to know the difference between both?

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I'd try them on as well, but from my experience, the vector line is a slightly narrower cut than the rbk line so the difference might actually help you get a better fit and you may not need an E with in the 9k's.

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id stay with the narrow width, depending on the heal width of the vector pro. a lot of people thing they need wide widths, but usually it doesnt end up fitting their heal which is the most important. if your mid-foot is wide, just bake/punch instead of going to an E or EE.

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it doesn't matter how good of a deal it is if the skates hurt your feet. I went from a 652 skate in an 8D to a 9K skate in a 7 1/2E. I put the D with on and there is no way I could have wore them to play, It felt like my foot was in a vise. Baking and punching won't help much at the boot/sole connection. I would go with the E width like on your Vector Pro's

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