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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Foot pain after skate adjustment?

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I recently had my Vectors adjusted with a heel lift. After playing th first real amount of hockey with them last night since the adjustment, I have developed an odd pain in my right foot. It feels like I have a muscle cramp when moving my foot, and it ranges between where my toes meet the fot to about mid-way up the top of my fot to the instep. Does this sound like something that could be caused by the change in the set-up of the skate - I skated on forward pitched skates before without problems, and my Vectors fit well, and did not have this affect prior to the lift...just wondering.


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I could see how it's possible, Maybe your foot was starting to get used to the more neutral pitch and now your starting to put a little more pressure on the front of your foot again and your feet are readjusting.

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