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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Long Do You Work On Your Stickhandling Each Day?

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For me its pretty close to being fundamentally different, I guess to each his own.

There's a lot of things I can do with a puck that I can't with a ball. Also some of the stuff I do with both, like chipping over sticks would be similar but the timing to do it with a puck is way different than with a ball. I bought one of the smart balls for my stay here over the summer and the weighting and feel are really off (IMO) its fun to juggle though.

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I stickhandle for about 30 mins a day and shoot

about 750 pucks.

Doubt it. 750 a day...

And my skillpad isn't slippery enough to stickhandle with a puck... It rolls over just like if I was stickhandling on concrete -- and silicone spray doesn't help much.

Any advice?

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Tried it, didn't work much better than silicone spray. I only use my skillpad for shooting anyways...

Stickhandling with a smart ball for at least 30 minutes a day; sometimes up to 2 hours is what I do.

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