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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Non-Tapered Mission L2 Pro Shaft?

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Has anyone heard of a non-tapered Mission L2 Pro Shaft being sold?

I bought two off of ebay thinking I was getting the standard Mission L2 shaft. When they arrived they appeared odd in that there was seemingly no taper. When I tried to put my recently purchased Z2 blade into the hozel, it didn't fit fully. Tried a TPS R2, no workie either. Then I pulled an old Easton standard blade and guess what? It locked in perfectly.

Sad thing is, I was buying based upon wanting real L2 shafts but probably got some pro-returns from when the L2 was being newly marketed.

The sticker on the butt-end and inside the shaft match with the numbers:




If anyone has a clue on this...other than don't buy from ebay...I'd appreciate some insight.

If my purchase serves as a warning for others I guess that's good.



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the same shafts were being sold on hockeymonkey, apparently they had a lot of these. The same goes for the mission pro hex-1 shafts and flyweight shafts. sometimes they're tapered, sometimes standard.

You may be able to return them to the seller. check for a return policy on the listing, and email the seller explaining the whole deal.

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