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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For all you skateboarders

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I skated for a few years, then chose to stick to hockey a few years ago. Over my time, I collected over a hundred big stickers, a few banners, and about a dozen videos from the major companies. What I'm wondering is, for those of you who skate and know the industry I guess, is there any market for this stuff? I'm sick of it just sitting in my closet, and I want to put it on eBay or something, but if I'm not going to get much back, it really isn't worth my time. Thanks for your help guys, and if theres any sites you want to forward me to, be my guest.

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You might be able to get some money for the banners and the videos but I do not see much return on the stickers. If you are looking to sell them I will buy some of the stickers becuase I need them for my guitar and my board.

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Yeah kids dig those huge stickers and if you found a good place to just sell them, like a garage sale for instance they would sell. The videos would sell depending on the quality and how you marketed them.

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