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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rollerhockey exercises/training

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I find lots of informations and instruction videos on icehockey but few information on rollerhockey

The problem is: I play only hobby league so around here we have no real trainers or something like that and everyone has to train on his own.

So I wanted to pull a decent rollerhocker workout together for myself but I don't know what exercises I should make and so.

Maybe someone could help me

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Well, I am an inline player, not an ice player. All I can say is that being the bulkiest guy isn't as important in inline. It is good to be strong but not bulky as. Work on speed in all the aspects of your body.

good luck!

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agility and core strength. pliometrics, pilates, and cardiovascular. upper body is only important in that you need to handle getting hit from time to time. if you were going to work on only one thing i would say being a more explosive and agile skater - in roller speed kills more than on ice. i gues pliometrics would be the best to improve that.

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Inline isn't really taking seriously here but from playing experience I would say having good agility is key. If you can move from places quick you should be able to get around people since it is harder to stop and manuver then ice hockey.

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