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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth CNT blade

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I ve had my stealth CNT for maybe about 2 months but was using syNergy SE for a couple weeks between that. Yesterday during pracky the blade wasnt feeling quite right and my shooting was off. After i checked my blade it seemed fine no big chips or anything just some paint chips and stuff but when i pushed my blade it seemed to flex a bit. I didnt hear any creaking sorta noise like i did on my SE so what wrong with my blade? I read some reviews and didnt hear any problems about their blades.If my blade is broken I should put a blade in the SE, instead of the stealth since the performance of the SE wouldnt change unlike the stealth, correct?

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It sounds like your blade is breaking down. The blade will continue to flex, more and more. Eventually, it will start creaking and fracture.

CNT blades are GARBAGE!

You actually had a newer SE??

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Ya I HAD a new synergy SE for about 2 weeks hat was from the easton toy drive, then the blade broke im guessing the SE will be just about as durable as the SL ;)

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After I used my CNT for about 15 ice times, I noticed that the blade started to flex quite a bit too. I think that it is from receving passes. As Razr said, the blades are garbage, but i am noticing improvements from easton blades.

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Blade flexed alot then eventually started whipping back on shots so I decided its time had come and chopped it off, just deciding what blade to put in it now...

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