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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can someone help with posting pics?

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Guys, I'm sorry if this has been covered but how do I post pics to this site using pictiger? I have wanted for quite some time now to post pics of my stakes and I downloaded them to pictiger but how do I get them to here? Or is there an option here (on this site) that allows you to post pics? Sorry I'm just lousy with computers.

Thanks Rick Henry

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First you need to copy the url (http://...etc.)of the picture by highliting the url and right clicking, then selecting "copy" from the drop down menu. While I haven't used pictiger, it should have the url posted in the album near the pictures.

Next, go to the thread that you want to put the pics in, and click on ädd Reply". You can't easily add pics using the fast reply.

Above the text box in the add reply screen, the 8th button is a small icon of a tree. When you hover over it, it will read "Insert Image". Click this button. A small box will open up, and you want to paste the url that you had copied from your pictiger account into the box (by right-clicking in the box and using the drop down menu.)

An alternate way to show a picture of your skates would be to use a clickable link. This is done essentially the same way, except you want to click on the 6th button at the top of the add reply box, with a picture of a little globe on it. Paste the url in the first little box, and type out a short description in the second little box.

Good luck

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