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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There is a ton of information on profiling/radiusing skates. searching for "profiling" in titles only brings up a number of good threads.


If you're looking to get your skates profiled, your best bet is to speak with someone who is experienced both in skate sharpening and biomechanics to get the most out of a profiling job. They would need to see you skate (in person or on video) to get the most out of the profile.

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Pro's come if done right.

Con would be you paid 40 bucks for a profile that is a "forward" radius. Stay clear if they don't want to watch you skate and only want to watch you walk on a line, or know your height and weight.

Skilled profilers are rare. List you hometown, and maybe someone will know a guy.

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Hi, I'm looking to maybe get my skates profiled as well... Does anyone know someone around Cedar Rapids, IA? Or Waterloo? I've heard there's a pretty decent shop in W'loo, anyone know about sharpeners there? Thanks!!!

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