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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno 1100/AK27 questions

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I just broke my Inno 1100 in a game last night and after a quick search on the net I haven't been able to find anyone selling this shaft in a store or on Ebay. So my questions are basically does anyone have one they would be willing to sell and if so how much?

Also I read that Inno sticks are basically now the Warrior line of sticks. I took a quick look at the AK27 online and had a few questions about the stick. Is the shape of the shaft similar to the Inno 1100 shaft? With the rounded edges and slightly concave shape. Also as far as the grip version of the AK27 is this similar to the PolarFibre on the Inno shafts or is it more like the grip coating on the Easton shafts?

I'm looking at the AK27 mainly because I am hoping it is similar to the Inno 1100 and also because I want a standard hosel shaft, not a tapered shaft.

Thanks for any help.

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The AK27 has a nice rounded, slightly concave handle shape. The grip is not like polarfibre. the 2006 grip was a soft tacky grip, similar to easton grip but a bit softer. The AK27 nipple grip for '07 (the red one) has patterned bumps on it, but they are not tacky.

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