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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel Help

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I am mounting the chassis from my Gear Big Daddys onto my Mission L7 until I get my rockers in. Two questions:

What wheel set up should I or can I use and what type of wheels are best for indoor coming from ice hockey?



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Whatever wheel setup was on the Big Daddys should be used on the L7s. wheel sizes are dictated by the frame, not the boot. I believe they were a Hi-Lo frame (80-80-72-72mm)

For wheels, Rink Rats are probably your best bet, but they're pricey, especially if it's only a temporary setup. Your rockers will probably need a different wheel setup. Hardness of the wheel needed depends on your weight. Theres a lot of good info on wheel hardness on here, especially when it comes to rink rats. In general, the heavier you are, the harder a wheel you'll need. (wheel hardness is the 2nd number in the description, ie 74A, 76A,78A,80A, etc.)

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