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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Specs Question LS2 Power v. LS2

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I did some searching and was unable to find an answer to this question.

I've read that the LS2 is 3mm higher which according to the NBH '07 catalog (see modsquadhockey.com .pdf document) provides for "optimized height for tightest turns." (p.10) According to the catalog the LS2 Power also has "optimized height for tightest turns"

The NBH site's section on the One90 and the LS2Power only mentions a "longer runner" which according to the NBH Catalog '07 "provides superior glide and power per stride". (Also see NBH '07 catalog p.6 which is absent of any mention of increased height of the LS2 power; cf p.3 where the blow-up page on the Vapor has an inset on the LS2 which here mentions the 3mm increase in height).

Also - from searches and posts... i've gathered that a 254 in an LS2 Power runner is longer than an LS2 or a custom+ runner - how much longer? Is it a standard +Xmm formula or is it a %Xmm + Xmm that equals an LS2 power length over a Tuuk Custom+ runner length?

If someone were to change runner/holder combos on an NBH One90 is it possible to mount a LightSpeed2 263 holder in the place of where an LS2Power 254 holder was mounted? (the purpose would be to gain the 3mm height while also maintaining a longer runner)

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I am not 100% sure on this, but I believe the height of LS2 and LS2 are the same.

Another difference between the LS2 and LS2P is that LS2Ps are stiffer.

What I do know for sure is that you will not be able to mount a 263 LS2 onto a skate that currently uses a 254 LS2P.

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Well, let me try to answer some (emphasis on 'some') of your questions.

The old Tuuk Customs were the shortest holders on the market, the introduction of the Lightspeed was to put its height on par with the rest of the holders available; NikeBauer just knows how to market their products.

LS2P is built with a stiffer plastic (zytel, lexan or something else, I don't remember off the top of my head) and to be able to accommodate a longer runner - this is NBHs marketing direction with LS2P. LS (LS2 has improved hardware) is about the 3mm increase in height.

Seeing as how the LS2P was based off the LS holders, having to reiterate what the LS was about with the LS2P would be redundant which is probably why it was not mentioned on the catalogue.

I'm sure NBH has a formula for the differences in length between runners of each respective size but I haven't the slightest clue what they are.

A lot of players have been maximize their glide by installing the longest possible runner on their boot for a very long time. NBH decided to take advantage of this little known secret and market the LS2P. There's no need for you to swap out holders, you would be achieving the same thing in the end.

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