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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats the best wheel for smooth cement? Sorry if this has been covered but I didn't find it in the archives.

Rick Henry

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Whats the best wheel for smooth cement? Sorry if this has been covered but I didn't find it in the archives.

Rick Henry

I play on concrete that tends to get dusty (in the middle of the desert)-and I like the Rink Rat indoor world cups that came with my skates. However, they wear quick, so I tried for a while with some 80a labedas in back and the rink rats in front. This worked ok, but a little slick-probably due to the dust. I recently picked up the Kuzaks from hockey giant that are currently 1.75 a pop (indoor wheels mis labeled as outdoor wheels) and I like them a lot. A bit bigger footprint than the Rink Rats, and pretty good grip. Plus, at 1.75, I bought 3 sets, which even if they wear really fast, I won't care.

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If you're playing on smooth concrete, then Labeda Asphalts are the best pick. I play street hockey almost daily and I don't usually see significant wear on the wheels until the second week of use! Definetely the most durable outdoor wheel I've used. The grippiest outdoor wheel I've used is probably the RR World Cup, although the durability was a serious issue...

The best all around wheel is probably going to be your jo-shmo multi-surface wheel; like Hyper Razor Edges or RR VT733's.

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Whats the best wheel for smooth cement? Sorry if this has been covered but I didn't find it in the archives.

Rick Henry

I play on concrete that tends to get dusty (in the middle of the desert)-and I like the Rink Rat indoor world cups that came with my skates. However, they wear quick, so I tried for a while with some 80a labedas in back and the rink rats in front. This worked ok, but a little slick-probably due to the dust. I recently picked up the Kuzaks from hockey giant that are currently 1.75 a pop (indoor wheels mis labeled as outdoor wheels) and I like them a lot. A bit bigger footprint than the Rink Rats, and pretty good grip. Plus, at 1.75, I bought 3 sets, which even if they wear really fast, I won't care.

Check that, these are completely crap. In my second game on them, I blew out 4 (!!!!!) in 2 shifts. Very unhappy. But, they were pretty nice for skating around with the team I coach.

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yeah there is a reason those kuzaks are cheap and have been on the Giant for so long. Another wheel to toss into the mix is the Revision Ghost wheel. Not grippy enough for me but will not break down as fast as the RR World Cup

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