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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need help for a conversion..rbk 5k

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I have some old school CCM EDGE 4.1 as roller hockey. on ice, i play with 9k so i was planning to buy 5k and converted them into roller.

Is it a hard thing to do? will i have to do a custom job on the boot of my 5k to mount the chassis?

And then, i think on my edge, the setting is 72-72-80-80. how can i know if the chassis can fit these wheels??

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It's more likely your edge rolls on either 72-72-80-80 or all 76, unless you got ahold of a brand new mission chassis in the past 8-10 months.

Any shop that does holder swaps should be able to handle the conversion.

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your right, i just checked on my roller and they are 72-72-80-80

Okay, so any shop who do holder swap could do my conversion. but what i have to do next? bearing? wheels?

Is there a good online shop for roller hockey?

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I use to have great success with epuck.com but I heard they were bought out by one of the online retailers that I refuse to use because of their poor service.

Inlinewarehouse.com does seem like a very knowledgeable bunch though.

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