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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior kronik blade flex?

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for those of you in the know....

does the blade flex on a warrior kronik coincide with the flex on the shaft?

i have an 85 flex kronik and now my wrister and danglin' is awesome but my snapper and slapper are suffering so im hoping i can fix this with a stiffer 100 flex kronik?

any thoughts?

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as with any stick in the same product line, a stiffer shaft will usually result in a stick thats stiffer torsionally, such that the blade wont bend back as much

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From a manufacturing standpoint, I would guess that there would be more costs involved in producing different flexes of blades and thus they just wouldn't do it. If they did do it, then they'd probably advertise it and call it out as a competitive advantage over other sticks on the market. Just like they put that big spin on lies on sticks and played it up like it was the next best thing and that if you don't have the proper lie, you suck. Poor retailers that have to stock more dolomites just because warrior offers same pattern in different lie.

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