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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Many of them grew up on bauer skates which have been on customs for years. they're comfortable on the holders, and don't want to change.

It can also make it easier on equipment managers, who have to stock spare holders and steel for the entire team.

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are they that much better of a holder than compared to the LSP? I am going ot be purchasing ONE90s and Im not keeping the LS2p and buting the Lightspeeds on or Tuuk Custom + so i just want some input 1st

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They aren't "better" he just explained to you why they use them alot in the NHL, look at the newer NBH skates that come out eg. XXX, XXXX, One 90 none have Tuuk Customs as standard because the new holders are in some way better.

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You want to change holders without trying the LSP2's just because most pro's dont use them?

Even though I am noticing some with LSP's on their skates more and more..

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like everyone is saying, its all personal. but in my opinion, i feel like i get more push off and top speed with my lightspeeds, but i definalty feel more stable on my custom + holders.

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It's all personal preference as it's been discussed many times. I've been skating in Tuuk Customs for 25 years. I had XXs and currently in XXXs and both times changed out the Lightspeeds on them to Custom+ --I don't like the extra height on the LS's--they are 2mm higher than Custom+ in front and back.

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