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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 6K pump CCM PF8/06

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just found a offer for the 6k...in Germany 170 €! i already got the ccm pf8 from last year and they fit nice... but the durability seems be weak...i also got vector pros for ice...both are a little bit narrow for me in the forefoot, both are width d. can i just pick up the 6k's for a little bit wider forefoot? are they much wider? i even can get a second pf8 on their sellout, same price. can't try them on, both boots are sold via internet, no lhs. any suggestions??

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I've never tried an RBK skate. If you liked the PF8, just pick it up again. Be sure to add some tape to the toecaps and you should be fine. I know I was playing with the PF8 and I missed doing this. The skate broke down pretty quickly. I have like 4 teammates who are using the PF8, and one of them is on his second pair and loves them. Taping them really does the trick.

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I have the pf10's and been skating on them for 2 years-switched out the wheels are right away. PF 10's are very good. i just picked up a pair of pf8's for pretty cheap on hockey monkey-good luck..

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in the ice lineup, RBKs are both wider and deeper than CCMs both in the forefoot and heel. I'm not 100%positive that it is the same for RH skates.

Unfortunately, the 6ks (although also the #2 skate in the line) may not be on par with the PF8s in terms of stiffness and materials, due to the addition of the pump, which eats up cost.

If available, I'd go for PF8s in a wide size, but you can't go wrong with the RBKs.

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thanx DmnLocust, think you're right...i got my second pf8...unfortunately i could't get a pf10 over here in Germany and i don't know what happens when i just order from hockeymonkey and let them beeing shipped.

did u simpucker, i saw you are in Germany too? and how would u tape them...just over the toecaps ?

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