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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Watch out for these wheels

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Just a quick heads up for people -

One of my teammates recently purchased these as a cheap set of indoor wheels from HG (http://www.hockeygiant.com/kzkzoneiwhl.html). As you can see, they say factory mislabel on them, and this kind of thing does happen.

What is not normal is this.. during a game the other night, within 20 minutes of starting, the rubber on the front wheel disloged from the hub. Shit happens right? He replaced it and kept playing.

We have a practice yesterday, and within 20 minutes, another wheel bites the dust with the same problem. So, he takes his skates off, and sure enough, two other wheels are about to do the same thing, and are showing tears.

He isn't a big guy, so I dont think its a weight or skating issue. It was also happening with different wheels on different feet, so I dont think its just him being hard on them.

Buyer beware.

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Yeah, I bought some of those last year. I used them for one indoor game and was sliding all over the place. Even caused me to twist my knee while trying to stay on my feet. Never again will I skimp on cheap wheels...

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