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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R6 v R4 Blades

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Since there is no information on their website about this, does anyone know what the difference is between the TPS R6 and TPS R4 replacement blades? (Composite, not wood). Both are rated as Standard, Composite, Performance, Senior blades...

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The R6 has the TPS Power Transfer Channel (PTC) hosel while the R4 is standard. The blade may also have slightly better composite material but that I am less sure of.

Having used the original PTC blades I can tell you its pretty much a gimmick in terms of performance. Hasn't effected the durability, however.

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Makes sense... thanks FoolBoy... the PTC wasn't visible in the picture on the site. I currently have two R6 blades (one broken) and I agree - the PTC doesn't give me anything noticable in performance over my former AK27 blade (which was very fragile - went through two in about 5 skates). I'll look into the R4.

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