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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pad sizing?

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i recently played in a tournament that i traveled to spain in. it was pretty cool. but i noticed something different. all the goalies were shorter than me (im about 5 10-6 00) and i use 33s. all the goalies there used like 35s. my butterfly wont close all the way as you can see in my picture. that five hole is huge. but they all also used flat faced pads. does that help? what do i do about sizing for my next pads? and is the Vortek sizing wierd or anything? one more thing. should i go with NHL size stuff?

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Hard to see from your picture but are your legs together? If not, then you aren't going to be able to close the tops of your pads. Flat faced pads aren't going to matter.

Vortek sizing is straight forward, you provide your ankle to knee, skate size and desired thigh rise. From your height I would guess (and it's only a guess) that you will be in a 34 plus something pad.

Whether or not you go with NHL spec gear will depend on a couple of things not the least of which is whether or not the leagues that you play in are going to provide it. Also, if you go Vortek and want the VK7 line, then you are going to get spec gear.


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