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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Searching for new gloves

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I currently own a pair of Mission Matrix gloves and they are quite a few years old.

I was just wondering if anyone could let me know which of the current line of Mission gloves most resembles the Mission Matrix gloves of the past?

Or better yet, could anybody recommend any glove to me that they may think resembles the Mission Matrix?

There are no local hockey shops near me, the nearest one was an understocked play it again sports that is no more. I really can't try anything on, just gotta order online.

I reallllllly need a pair of gloves that like the Matrix, are comfortable and do not make stick handling feel any different than when not wearing gloves.


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I always thought the Matrixes looked like the old Easton Z-airs.

Although the fit is a little different from the Maxtrixes, I hear the new Wicked gloves are nice; not too loose and not too bulky.

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