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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I wanted to pick up a new OPS before heading down to Florida for Narch Finals and just wanted some advice. Just to give everyone some background information, i use BIG mid curves.

I narrowed it down to two sticks that I like. 2006 RBk 7k w/ snakegrip Amonte for $120 or 2007 Sherwood Momentum RM7 Coffey for $90 or 2/$160.

Does anyone have any advice on which stick I should purchase. Theoretically since the RBK is more expensive it should perform better, however I wouldn't mind recieving some opinions from the fellow board members.

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I haven't even seen the Sher Woods in stores around me, but I have heard very good things about them.

As far as the RBK is concerned, their blades seem to go to mush faster than any other stick I've used. I have a 6k shaft and 2 blades, and the first blade went soft within 10 icetimes. I'm using the second blade in a mission shaft right now, and I can already hear a bit of crackle from it after 4 or 5 games with it. That said, the performance of the stick was good.

check the reviews and run a search or two on the site for more info on both sticks.

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I own both, the RBK 07 PROLITE and the RM 7, and i'd have to go with the Sherwood personally. not only do you save money, but it has a few things that i tend to like more. seems like i get more of an response with my shot with the RM7 rather then the 7k.

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