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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shoulder pads

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Well I had just bought a pair of 852 shoulder pads last season and the first time in my life i have had a shoulder injury, actually two of them. first was early in the season and i went shoudler on shoulder with a buddy and my bones in my shoulder blade got moved around and last week i went to hit a player and when i did he came down on me with his elbow and hit my collarbone. It bruised all my muscles under my collarbone.

I think i figured out that my shoulder cups move when i hit so i want to know if there is a pair that might have a smaller or bigger shoulder cup but will stay in place, something that is straped in maybe?

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Usually a jersey doesn't leave any room for the caps to wander. I would reassess if the pads fit you properly. They body and arms shouldn't spin out of place. One thing that pads like those lack is structure due to shallow caps. Larger, deeper caps can wrap over the back and chest more. These plastic caps extend close to the attachment point (directly to the body/vest--no intermediate straps or foam) with a longer line of stitching that extends front and back. Effectively, the caps are more secure or bolted-on by sacrificing some wiggle-room mobility. Additionally, this type of attachment stiffens the foam over what little of your collar bones remains outside the caps. Off the top of my head, the RBK 5K comes to mind. The 2006 Easton 700 and 300 have stretch-straps on the caps to keep them in place. Conceivably, you could strap the caps to the body of your existing pads. Still, the pads need to be the right size for you. No pads will make you invincible, so your body has to adjust to a higher level of physical abuse. Does that address everything? Always, keep your head up and finish your checks.

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Like said by Lester, look into deeper caps, and this is why I use rounded shoulder caps. I'd reccomend checking out the JDP style shoulder pads made by Jofa/Rbk and by a few other companies.

I personally use the Easton 800. If you go try on these, 9ks, or other shoulder pads with the caps that are molded around the shoulder, you will see how they stay in place better than the floating, smaller caps. They make some lower-end models too if you don't want to dish out that much cash for some pads.

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