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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour gloves?

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I am really interested in purchasing some tour h10 gloves. I tried them on at LHS and for the price of 50 dollars the feel just couldn't be beat!!

Alas, do I really have to accept that they only make gloves up to size 14? They do not make gloves for those of us with real man hands?

My LHS only had up to size 13 so I did not get to try on the size 14, I normally wear a size 15 glove. Do tour gloves run bigger?

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tours run very loose (looser than eagles).

Do they have any pairs of the G-7 gloves there? If so, the fit is similar, but the G-7 is a bit looser and I think has slightly longer fingers.

I could be mistaken, but I believe the H-10 glove was replaced by the Code-1 glove for this year. If your LHS is out of stock on the 14", they may not be able to get more.

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