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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000 Protective line....

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ok, all this stuff looks amazing...pants, elbows, all of it.

Now my question(s) are:

1))))Ok, i need new Pants, I've been using Easton Airs for a pretty long time and I love them, but the Bauer 8000s http://hockeymonkey.com/bauer8000hp.html look really nice, you think that they are better than the Airs? I know many will suggest M-1s, sorry, not a fan of them <_< , and I also don't like Tackla pants.

2))))Need new Elbow Pads: I currently have some Easton THG model Golds, gettin worn out:(...Bauer 8000s http://hockeymonkey.com/bauer8000epsr.html , are these similar to the Vapor line? like the 10s and THG 8's? or are the completely different? If so, how are they? If they aren't any good from what you think, i'm probalby going to be going w/ the Nike Pro STK THG elbows. http://hockeymonkey.com/nikequestprosmuep.html

3))))) Shin pads, this is a big one. I have the old Bauer Vapor 10s, LOVE THEM...just worn out... really considering the Bauer 8000s http://hockeymonkey.com/bauer8000srsg.html , any opinions on these? If they aren't anything special? If not, i'm looking into the Bauer Vapor 8 THGs....no Jofas.

4)))))and of course Shoulder pads, i love my itech THG 675s http://hockeymonkey.com/itspteclitsm.html but once again, they are worn out, looking into getting another pair of these, but i'm also looking into the Bauer 8000 lightspeeds http://hockeymonkey.com/bau8000lightspeedsrsp.html . My only concern with these, is I like a really low profile shoulder pad...will these have that?

Ok, i think that is it :D

The shop i work at has yet to get this stuff in, if we ever do if that. THG store so the boss always goes for that stuff. I didn't get a chance to see the stuff at the preview either, so i'm clueless on all this stuff. :angry:

I put all the links in there to help you help me. :blink: lol

Thanks in advance! :D

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I bought some Lightspeed shoulder pads and am getting them tomorrow. I will let you know how they feel but I know they will be really light and most likely really flexible. As far as pants, I have the Easton Airs, not a real big fan of Bauer (and other companies) that use S,M,L,XL sizing and not 48,50,52, etc to give you exact size. I just bought some Easton Synergy shin pads and played in them last week..awesome pads.

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I've tried on the nike smu elbow pads out of curiosity. I loved the fit, but i don't really need new elbow pads right now. If I were to get new elbow pads, I would go with those or the new mission m-1's

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Thanks a lot, ya, i love the nike smus, just curious about the 8000s..

thanks again and keep replies coming!

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i tried on the nike elbows today again at the shop and i decided on those, they rule, but still wondering on the shoulders, pants, and shins!

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