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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First of all, I'm a huge fan of Entourage. If you've been keeping up with it, you've seen the episode of them 'on the set' of Medellin (I'm not going to explain what that is, if you don't know you probably don't care about the question I'm going to be asking), the kick ass trailer from last night, and the website they've launched for the movie.

Now what I'm wondering is... do you think they really did make this movie? Even if its just a two hour special on HBO or something, that'd be pretty awesome. That 'trailer' they aired last night was better then 3/4 of the trailers I've seen for real movies. HBO did take out a 2 page ad to 'congratulate Vincent Chase of Aquaman for breaking the record for best opening weekend', so they do have a history of blending the show with reality to hype it up. Still, I think it'd be awesome if they did do this

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I had heard before that James Cameron said he could have Aquaman made with two phonecalls back when they were doing that part of the show. I would think Medellin would be the same.

I don't think they have made the movie though - most of the scenes that were in the trailer was stuff they already showed during past Entourage episodes. They just jazzed it up with a lot of B roll and music this time.

This being HBO though, you never know. I'm completely hooked on their Sunday night lineup except for Big Love.

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yeah, same here for the sunday line up. Anyways, yeah that trailer was scenes you've already seen, but they were 'on location', and its at least possible they filmed the whole thing. There were a few shots that you didn't see 'the making of', such as Escobar running firing a gun, and a couple others

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It's funny that you posted this, I mentioned this to my brother about a week or so ago. Who knows with HBO anything is possible. I think it would pretty cool. This season of Entourage I think has the makings to be the best one yet. Next week looks funny with Lloyd being all depressed from his breakup lol

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a couple weeks ago when i was watching HBO there where just a random short trailer for medellin and it said coming soon or something i think. i thought it was pretty weird and i was thinking the same thing as you were saying.

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I just watched the whole show from beginning to the end of season 4. And as entertaining as everyone in the show is, I can see that Pivens and Dillon's acting are what drive the show forward.


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