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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need all info you have on "mask wrapping"

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i am thinking about gettin my mask wrapped by the people at "wrapmymask.com" and was wondering if you guys could tell me everything you know about this. Mainly is it worth it. how long will it last? does it look good? that kinda stuff... thanks

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If this is the same stuff that they use on vehicles, its a 3m semi-adhesive vinyl. The stuff holds up pretty well on vehicles, but I don't know how it would hold up with a shot ripping off of it. I would think they would maybe do a clear layer over it for extra strength? I would email them and ask.

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Hey i just sent my mask into Wrap My Mask. If you know wat you want or have a general idea about wat you want, he can do just about anything. It's basically a vinal wrap around your mask with a polymor coating overtop to protect it. It lasts way longer than paint and if part of it does chip off, you can go to your local vinal or sign shop and get a new piece for the chipped off portion. I would highly recommend it

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He Thinks it does, cuz his only lasted not even a full HS Season...Some idiot ripped a slapper off his chin in Warmups and chipped a big piece about the size of a potato chip....The wrap will do the same thing with that kind of a shot. I'd say Paint is the way to go, but if $ is an issue, then wrap would be fine, esp for Beer Leaguers and younger kids, (Bantam and below) Just my $0.02

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  wex12 said:

He Thinks it does, cuz his only lasted not even a full HS Season...Some idiot ripped a slapper off his chin in Warmups and chipped a big piece about the size of a potato chip....The wrap will do the same thing with that kind of a shot. I'd say Paint is the way to go, but if $ is an issue, then wrap would be fine, esp for Beer Leaguers and younger kids, (Bantam and below) Just my $0.02

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id make the painter fix it sounds like not enough clear coat or used to thick amount of paint

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