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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting Targets

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They have the warrior logo on them so I'm assuming their ones that they've made. It doesn't look like they have them for sale on the site. They look easy enought to make though.

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Yeah, I've seen those too but the nets on those aren't all that deep. I'm not sure if you've seen the other videos they put up of him but they look like they could hold like 10-15 pucks easy per target.

On a side note I did email them a few days ago to get information on them but they have yet to send a reply. If I get any news on them I'll either add a reply to this post or PM you to let you know whats up.

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At the Lhs store i work at we sell targets that have a net in the target in stead of the puck just hitting like a piece of plastic. I would try any source for sports near you.

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I think they are lacrosse targets. Don't remember where I read that.

you're probably right, they make lacrosse gear as well and I didn't even look in their lacrosse section.


Here are the exact targets that are used in that video it looks like


I'm sure if you search around some more on google you'll find them for a better price.

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