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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping weights to skates?

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When I was younger my father taped fishing weights to my skates to help improve my skating. I was wondering if this would effect my skating negatively or positively since i am considering trying it out again at a power skating session.

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just by skate weights. They weigh 1 pound each, are designed to be centered on the skate and are made to be put on and taken off easily.

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It might be OK to use maybe once per week at the most, for pure conditioning purposes, i.e. maybe with inline skates, just to increase power. It could definitely hurt your agility, balance, and general skating abilities if used more often than that, or during applications that are not strictly for improving your footspeed...your skates should feel the same everytime you hit the ice.

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