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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacki-mac grip won't stick to concave shaft

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Finally got around to trying one of these. I put it on as per directions, but the tape seemed to have problems adhering to the grip in the middle of the shaft (which is concave). I ended up clamping the grip down to hold the grip to tape, then let it dry overnight. Everything looked good afterwards.

I was about an hour into a practice, taking slapshots when all of a sudden I noticed that the grip had come halfway off the shaft. I could now slide the grip up and down the shaft. I am assuming the adhesive is now shot on the double-sided tape.

Has anyone had problems getting the grip to stick, especially on concave shafts ? I see that others have had success in moving the grip between shafts, but it seems like I will need a better adhesive than came with the grip - any suggestions for getting the thing to stick to a concave shaft ?

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I have found that if you apply the grip using a bit of soap as the instructions say the glue doesn't set up properly and the grip will just slide off during use. All i use is hot water and haven't had problems with them since have had over 20 grips. Hope this helps

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I have found that if you apply the grip using a bit of soap as the instructions say the glue doesn't set up properly and the grip will just slide off during use. All i use is hot water and haven't had problems with them since have had over 20 grips. Hope this helps

Thanks for the replies. I emailed Tacki-mac and was told I might have put too much soap (I just put one drop as per the instructions). When I asked if the soap was even necessary, the person who replied said it was not and that she doesn't even know why the instructions recommend it.

I bought a few grips so I'll have another go with the next one sans soap and see how that goes.

Others have used a squirt of Butaine Lighter Fluid. The Butaine evaporates and creates a nice seal. Not sure if it would work on a shaft that is extremely concave.

Butane lighter fluid ? That sounds so random, I can't fathom how someone would come to try using that as an adhesive. Is this a common application for butane ?

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Thanks for the replies. I emailed Tacki-mac and was told I might have put too much soap (I just put one drop as per the instructions). When I asked if the soap was even necessary, the person who replied said it was not and that she doesn't even know why the instructions recommend it.

With just water the tape will be slick, but won't produce the gel like it does with soap. Try cutting the tape into strips and not using any on the concave sides.

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