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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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York University Arena

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Ill be heading down to Toronto to attend the women's under 22 team canada camp next weekend.

Im looking for near by hotel to stay for 1 night.

Someone from Hockey Canada suggested me the Hilton on highway 7, but Id like to know if theres anything cheaper around the same place.

I dont mind driving 10 minutes to get to the rink either!

thanks guys!

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Call York University - I'll bet they'd be willing to put you up in a dorm room for almost nothing, and you could walk to the rink. Someone in the Residence Office (or whatever it's called), the Dean of Students, or the Athletics department should be helpful.

Someone from the U22 camp administration might be able to point you toward someone sympathetic at the University.

P.S. Osgoode Hall are a bunch of filthy ringers.

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maybe free beer, no idea yet.

The g/f has relatives there and Ill be sleeping over at their place. :D

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