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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need some help

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this is a random question i am looking into buying a pair of mission rms skates from 2002 a kid is selling them. just wondering how they are and i know they are old but they are in good cond. is the boot stiff i need a stiff boot, if not them there is a pair of mission he 3500's that i am looking at that are only 100 $ is this a good skate again i want a nice stiff boot? thanks

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Both of those skates are from the bottom end of mission's product line. They won't be terrible but I don't think they will be very stiff. Generally as you go down the product line the skates get less stiff. I haven't skated in them personally so I don't know for sure but I would guess they are not as stiff as you might want.

You would probably be better of going with at least He 7500, Wicked 3, or Syndicate Lieutenant skate if you want a stiff boot. These are the second in line skates for model years 2006, 2007, and 2008. They will be plenty stiff and should be reasonably priced, especially if you go for the older ones on clearance.

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i have a pair of wicked 5's and i love them i just wont use them in the outdoor league i dont want to ruin them so im gettin new skates but i want the stiffness. for outdoor what i currently have and have had for like 3 years from when i started playing is ccm pf 2's and they suck i want the mission he 7500's but cant really find them in my size. i am talking to someone selling them so well see where it takes me.

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Well, if Wicked 5s are stiff enough for you, you might be OK with the RMS. Like I said I haven't tried either but I do know that the Wicked 5s are pretty soft compared to what I would call stiff, either a Wicked 1 or a He10000.

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