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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good enough for ice?

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So I used to play a lot of street hockey when I was younger and I had that mylec crap, which was good at the time. later, I played roller for a bit and while using my franklin chest/arm protector, and some other stuff, it was fine. Then I stopped for a bit and lost the touch of what was new/good out there. Now I wanna get into ice while playing with some guys for mens open hockey. currently I am using:

McKenney CA 775 Pro C/A

Heaton Helite-Z Pro Pants

Vaughn T1000 & B2000 Gloves (very old)

an Itech mask with hanging itech neck guard

Currently, I don't have skates but I will by friday.

Old school cooper tan/black pads. The model number on the front is worn away so I cant put the model up. Ill take a pic of the stuff if anyone wants me to.

My question is, is this stuff good enough to use for mens open hockey? What are your guys opinions?

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I'd say if you're comfortable using it, and there isn't any missing padding, it should do the trick. but I would seriously consider getting some newer stuff.. starting with the leg pads. A world of difference has been made since those Coops were released. The rest of the gear looks decent for Open Hockey.

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McKenney C/A - definitely. That'll hold you until you start facing very heavy shooters.

Heaton pants - I'd like to say you're in good shape, but the Helite Z's are notoriousy unprotective. You'll be OK for entry-level hockey, but you may get some spectacular bruises against even moderate shooters.

Itech mask - depends what model you have. Some of them are fine; some of them may actually hurt you more than going bare-headed.

Cooper pads - they will protect your legs just fine, but you'll find it nearly impossible to learn the newer goaltending techniques.

The gloves should be fine, until you face good quality shooters. They should, in theory, be protective enough, but they're probably so old that they're not that solid any more.

To summarize: your mask is probably your greatest priority in terms of protection, since it carries the greatest risk of injury. The pads are your biggest priority in terms of performance, although my maxim has always been to get the best skates possible, and work from there.

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I went to my local sports shop and they had 32" CCM Blockade pads for $100 used. They guy said they were originally a few hundred dollar pads and would be suitable for ice usage.

My mask has no model number on it. I can take a pic of it if anyone wants.

Gloves feel strong. They are old but still have it.

As far as shooting, Ill be mostly playing open hockey with players from college, maybe minors. My friend (he's also on this board) is very good. I'm surprised he hasn't seen my thread yet. He can possibly hit 90MPH shots, although they are rare in the games.

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They're probably Blockade Seniors (rather than Pros), so don't expect them to last forever - but for $100, as long as they're correctly sized, that's a good pickup. Just think of them as rental pads the shop doesn't want back.

I would strongly advise against using that Itech mask against anyone who's played college hockey. If it's one of the lower end models, you're putting yourself at risk - period. Where did you originally buy it, and what did you pay?

A mask isn't a particularly sexy piece of equipment to replace, but it's necessity. There are a few Sherwood masks going brand new on eBay these days for around $150 that are extraordinarily good protective value for money, and the seller (Goalie Heaven) is very reputable. The next least expensive option would be an NXI Phantom at around $300.

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I believe I got it used for around $50 at the sports shop. I couldnt tell you honestly because I forgot, it was a while ago, but the mask feels sturdy.

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Oh I definitely know that. If I had the money now, I would shell it out for new stuff. But because I don't know how often I'll be playing, Id prefer to save as much as possible. Ill play tomorrow with what I have and see how it goes.

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