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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Savannah, Georgia

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anyone know much about the hockey in the area?

As far as I know there is no hockey in Savannah. I believe that there has been a ice surface here and there for people that want to do something for the holidays but otherwise it is nonexistant. In Savannah's sister city, Charleston, SC hockey has done very well for a southern market. It has grown considerably thanks to the ECHL SC Stingrays and we also have a very well run ice rink, the Carolina Ice Palace. I could certainly see a minor league franchise popping up in Savannah at some point.

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none at all? wow that sucks. i might end up living here for awhile. thanks for the help, though! no rinks or anything?

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There is an inline rink in Savannah.. There tournament teams out of are Savannah SuperGoose. Very nice arena, right now for the next couple months the ice court is covered with soccer turf. Word on the street, this upcoming season the rink will be hosting a PIHA team. Hope this helps

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There is an inline rink in Savannah.. There tournament teams out of are Savannah SuperGoose. Very nice arena, right now for the next couple months the ice court is covered with soccer turf. Word on the street, this upcoming season the rink will be hosting a PIHA team. Hope this helps

it does help. thanks alot. do you live in savannah? Supergoose

looks like a nice facility. i play soccer as well, so that's nice to see. is there no ice hockey in town?

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If I remember correctly during the winter for a brief amount of time there is ice hockey at the civic center downtown but it was only for a few weeks if that. I believe it was only clinics and organized pickup but no league play. Some of the guys at supergoose were involved with the ice hockey there so I would email Rob and he could probably fill you in more.

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If I remember correctly during the winter for a brief amount of time there is ice hockey at the civic center downtown but it was only for a few weeks if that. I believe it was only clinics and organized pickup but no league play. Some of the guys at supergoose were involved with the ice hockey there so I would email Rob and he could probably fill you in more.

appreciate the help. i'll be in touch with him soon. i guess i've been taking for granted the fact we have so many rinks around the area. i find it hard to believe there isn't one year round rink in Savannah. thanks for the help.

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