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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Atlanta Tournament This Weekend

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There is an Adult tournament at the cooler this weekend in Atlanta. As of yesterday one adult teams dropped out leaving only 3, is there any team from the ATL area that would be interested in playing in the adult division. The tournament is put together by ECHO. If you are interested please PM me. We are one of the teams and really dont wont the adult division to be cancelled.


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How is ECHO? we've been asked to come out to one of their regionals before, but i haven't actually heard of ECHO or anyone who's went.

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ECHO has a rep some good some bad, but most of its rep comes from years past. Within the last year ECHO was bought buy a guy out of Florida named Jason Munger, who coached the FSU roller hockey team. ECHO as of this year is ran comparable to other big tournaments. For some reason the skill in the adult division is greater in ECHO tournaments than any other tournament around exculding nationals. For example the ECHO Disney tournament at the end of Sept. already has 10 adult teams ranging from Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Penn., and a team from Canada. I have attended 3 ECHO regionals this year and everyone was ran professionally. If you have a schedule request they will be happy to work with you personally or any other issue. Hope this helps

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