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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 703, 704, 705

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Can someone please give me a brief description of the differences in these models. I have a very regular shaped foot and have never had any problem fitting into any skate and i want something that is going to be stiff but nothing crazy, just a lot stiffer than the tour beemers I have. which would be the best model for me? would i even be able to tell the difference in stiffness between the 703 and 704 model?. Also do they even make the 704 anymore, i don't see it on their site and i don't see it made with the new graphite outsole, which is what i want. thanks

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they don't make the 704 anymore.

703 has a narrow heel.

705 is their skate that fits the most people's feet ("average" feet) Normal heel and a touch deeper than a 703 iirc.

735 is a hybrid 703/705- narrow heel with a bit more depth.

709 is for wide, deep feet/very high arches.

There's no real difference in stiffness between a 703/704/705 model. The G3/G5 and Ultra G3/ G5 etc. will be stiffer than the 7xx series. I don't know if the 7xx series will be any stiffer than a Beemer. Both are lower-cut boots, thus making them seem even less stiff. I have a pair of Beemers, but they're so worn down that they practically feel like work boots on my feet. fwiw, I think my code-1s are stiffer than my 709s.

Sounds like a 705 could work for you, but the best way to know what fits you is to try them on.

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