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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour gloves

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I have the H-10 and for 55 bucks, they are pretty amazing. Easy to break in, very comfortable and movable. I suggest either one as I think the Code 1's are very similar.

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I had a pair of the white H-10s and they are a very nice glove for their price.

I'm usually pretty good on the palms, but still, they help up real well over about 14 months, and I passed them on to a friend, who continues to use them. I know three other guys in the same gloves, and not one of them has made a complaint about them.

They're a very loose fitting glove (looser than my eagles) with a wide open cuff, and very light. Plastic inserts everywhere, and virtually no break-in.

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Do either of you guys (or anyone) have pictures you could post? Best I could find were the standard stock pictures on the various internet stores and my LHS doesn't carry any Tour products.

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a couple of kids in my area played on team usa and they got those gloves. i got to try them on and they were awesome really good glove/ nice and light and they felt amazing. my only problem with them is that they only come in one size (14.5) so they were a little to big for me

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G-7 3s are also a very wide-open glove and extremely light. If you ever tried on the original G-7s, the fit is the same. They're even looser than the H-10s. Materials on the G-7s/G-7 3s seem to be a bit better than on the H-10s.

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