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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacing 1 broken skate blade

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I was playing hockey today and when I went to the bench I heard a funny sound from the skate blade and noticed the steel was cracked in half. So I immediately benched myself because I could potentially really hurt myself if I kept on trying to play.

Now I have to replace the broken steel. It is relatively new, probably only sharpened 5-10 times and tonnes of steel left. Do I have to replace both steel blade runners or can I get away and just purchase the one side ? I guess I am concerned one side is higher than the other side. Maybe I can ask the person to grind down the new one to approximately the same height as the old one ?

I don't know if it matters or not but the specs are:

Graf Cobra NT3000 steel runners - size 272


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That happened to me once except half of the blade fell out of the holder and i was trying to get out of the zone and the broken edge kept digging in the ice. I took it to my LHS and they replaced the broken one only for me free of charge. The skates were relatively new so i wasnt worried about one blade being taller then the other

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In my opinion, I would change them both and keep the one good one in my bag for a backup.

Hey, that's a pretty smart idea. I read Cobra steel is not that durable, so this is a pretty practical way of doing a quick/emergency repair at the game.


Now I got to see if I can find someone/some place that I can purchase Cobra steel for a reasonable price.

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