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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diff between Bauer 2000 and 1000

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I can get Bauer 2000 for 89.99 here and bauer 1000 for 69.99 here. How much of a difference is there, and is it worth 20 bux. also where would the Vapor V and Vector 3.0 fit in there (can get both for 100 at lhs)

and does anyone have other skates that i should look at?


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Unless you're a size 8 you won't have a choice on the two Bauer models you've mentioned, at least not from the sites you've linked to, as that's the only size the two stores have in common. The 2000 is a higher model, so I would expect a stiffer boot with a nicer liner. Also, I'm not sure if the 1000 has a stainless blade or the cheaper fasteel, whereas the 2000 is listed as having the stainless blade.

The 1000 should be about the same quality as the Vector 3 - maybe a little nicer, with the 2000 an overall better skate. Can't comment on the Vapor V, but you've also got to consider which skate feels better on.

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well im in luck because i am a size 8 :) i have tried the vector 3 and vapor v on, the vapors are alot nicer feel. would the 2000 be around the same quality as teh vapor V??

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