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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Suggestions

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Hey guys, i'm hoping to get back into ice hockey a bit after not playing for 6+ years. I've been playing roller only the past few seasons, but i'd like to play some intramural ice at university. My old skates, which are size 7.5 CCM's, are too small for my size 11 foot, so i'd like to get some new ones that won't send me to the bench crying in pain after every shift. I'd like to spend somewhere in the range of $125-150 US at most, but remember, I am a poor student so i'd like to get the best performance out of the least $.

My thinking is that I have 3 options:

1. Buy a low-end model from my LHS (really don't want to do this)

2. Look for closeouts on online stores (won't be able to try them on)

3. Keep my eyes open here for some used, higher end skates. (won't be able to try them on)

What would you guys suggest, and what do you think I could get for that price range? Thanks.

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You can get a pair of Mission Pure Fly's online for around $175 these days. It was a $400 skate. It's a great value if you afford to spend a little more. Just a thought.

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Hmm....i'm a little hesitant about buying skates online without trying them on. I don't really want to go to my LHS and waste their time trying on skates I have no intention of buying.

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True, i work at a store and it sucks when people do that to me. If you've been using Mission inline skates for roller, the Pure Flys are close(not exact) the the fit on the inline skates.

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Going to your store and trying on models then finding better prices on the internet would be your best bet but I would also hate to do something like that to my LHS.

One more thing, just a heads up buying skates that are slightly smaller then the size you expect to fit in can help with the responsiveness of the skate.

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Cool, thanks guys. I've tried playing some ice with my current size 7.5's, and the whole time I was playing I was thinking about how sweet it was going to be to take them off. I've read up a bit on the Pure Fly, and it sounds like a high-end skate. Would I be able to take off the holder after hockey season, and throw a roller chassis on there during summer, and keep switching like that?

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