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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting into Skimboarding

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I'm looking to get into skimboarding this year. First of all I need to get a board and am looking for a fiber glass board for wave riding. I snowboard, skateboard and have surfed a couple times so I think some of those skills will help me out. I have done some research and have found about 5 large board companies but I have no idea which board is good for what I'm looking for. I do live in Canada so I dont have any boardshops near my house so I will have to buy something online and from the US. From the online boardshops it looks like shipping for a board will be around $100 which I find kind of expensive. Im looking to spend around $300. Are there any good online shops with good prices? What company offers the best board for what I'm looking for? I will use the board at least once a year as I travel to somewhere tropical every year.


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My son skimboards, I don't. I do know that they are big awkard packages that will be difficult to travel with. If you are flying to your once yearly tropical destinations you will either have to check it through or fight it on board assuming somehow it makes it through the size restriction. I suggest you rent one on your trips. You won't have to worry about it getting damaged or lost or stolen. From what I have seen my son do, the name of the board makes no difference. The size is what matters and wherever you rent from can get you the right size.

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Nate...I've been skimming for a couple years now and trust me you'll have a blast getting familiar with it. Now I made the mistake of buying boards that weren't suited well for me. Unfortunately I wasted time and money doing so. Buying a board suited for you is the most important thing when skimming. I'd be glad to help you on your hunt for a skimboard. Just post up some of your specs. Weight and height are the crucial ones in choosing. But also other options are available. What type of skimming are you doing? Flatland? Shore break riding? Also depending on those you'll need to choose a thickness and shape that would suite your style. So like I said post up your specs and I'd be glad to help you. I went through the same thing you did and I did a ton of research in the process, so I'd consider myself knowledgeable. Laterr

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Take a look at Victoria's line of boards. They've always been known for making some quality stuff. As for shopping online, check out skimcity.com. I haven't purchased a board for ages, so who knows what their selection looks like now.

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Im also looking to get into skim boarding. Ive done a bit in the summer on some other peoples boards while i was vacationing. There are a few places where i live that i can go. Mostly flatland. I am 5'9 170. any help would be apprietiated.

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Well you guys are both a little bigger than I am, but as for general tips...

- Run, DROP, slide. Don't throw the board in front of you and then expend energy trying to chase it. Run with it in hand and then drop it slightly faster than you're running.

- If you're falling, don't stick your arms out (as is true with any board sport). Instead, tuck that shoulder and try to roll.

- Run onto the board, don't jump onto it. Try to go back foot first, then swing your front foot onto it.

- If you're trying to get out into deep water and over waves, weight is typically on your back foot.

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