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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bearing Re-Assembly

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I was cleaning my bearings and on one of them all of the balls came out. I can not for the life of me figure out how to get these back in. I tried for about an hour and I just couldn't get everything to fit back into the outer race. Does anyone have any experience with this situation? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Also, if I can not put this bearing back together, would it be a drastic effect if I cleaned an old ABEC 9 bearing and put that in here with the rest of them? (I'm using BSB Swiss Lites.)

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i have moc 9's and i purposely take out all the balls....if it's the same set up, a small inside ring with a groove for the balls running along the upper part and a bigger outside ring with a groove running on the inner part then it's pretty easy, all you do is lay the outside ring on a wash cloth (or something equally soft) place the balls on the inside of the bigger ring, they don't have to be perfectly set up in the groove, but as close as possible. then take the smaller ring and push it lightly, the balls with move into the groove of the bigger ring, and then kind of just snap it in place the wash cloth allows for some give and makes it easier. there are seven balls in each of my bearings, i would assume it would be tougher or not possible with more than 7. or just replace the bearing with any bearing, you won't notice the difference.

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yeha its pretty easy just do what sdomm said. thats what ive done to clean my skateboard bearings for the longest time. My inlines dont have bearings that can be taken apart so i dont clean them.

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I tried doing that and I couldn't get it to work. I guess I'm doing something wrong but I don't know where I'm messing up. Oh well, I'll just use the ABEC-9. I appreciate the help, though. :)

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