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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Having Trouble Balancing

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Changing the wheel diameters will make you less balanced. The chassis is designed so that all 4 wheels contact the surface flat with the size that is in there. If you change them all out to 80mm's you will rocker the boot back and have more weight on your heels, and you would only apply full pressure on the front and rear wheels. My advice....throw the skates on while not skating, and simply do very shallow squats. This will help to loosen the boots up and allow the boot to soften up and flex forward naturally.

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not to mention all 80s wont fit on the frame.

the only option for all the same size would be all 72, but then the effect would be reversed- you'll be leaning far back, and you'll still have the issue of the wheels not all contacting the surface. Definitely not something you want to do.

can you further describe the issue you're having with the skates? A frame swap or lifts might help, but it depends on the issues you're experiencing. Maybe tell us what skates worked for you?

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experiences is the important question here. what are you used to skating on?

I was a mission Hi-Lo user for life (80-80-72-72) when i moved to RBK 6k skates myself. It's definitely a change.

What did you used to skate on?

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Hi, in my opinion just skate as much as you can on the skates. This way you'll adjust to them progressively and before you know it you'll be perfectly balanced.

good luck,


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actually my tri dis dont gett all four on the floor. i have the 72 76 76 80 set up. there is a very slight rocker to the back, but i never noticed until i looked at them up close. it's like i'm on either the front 3 wheels or the back 2

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I think it could be because its a change of the lean. With the previous hi-lo, you most likely leaned forward more, and with the new chassis, you sit more on your heels. Thats why you feel the unbalance.

Happened to me when i first started using sprungs, and now again when I switch the the vanguard hilo. Its a matter of getting used to.

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