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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice Arena Anahein area

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Any recommendations for ice arenas in CA, close to Anaheim/Irvine? Brazlilian group wants to rent a couple of hours to perform a clinic. Also if there is any team in the area willing to play friendly games (12 to 16yo). Thanks!

Henrique Degani


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Any recommendations for ice arenas in CA, close to Anaheim/Irvine? Brazlilian group wants to rent a couple of hours to perform a clinic. Also if there is any team in the area willing to play friendly games (12 to 16yo). Thanks!

Henrique Degani


Where in Brazil are you from? I've been to Rio de Janeiro and Salvador (bahia) and I don't remember any hockey there, but that doesn't mean anything as Brazil is a huge country..

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I'm from São Paulo, which is the state with more teams in Brazil. Hockey is a small sport with about 1500 practicers countrywide. There are no pro players. Rio de Janeiro has a couple of teams. I never heard from a team in Salvador. i've being to a IIHF world cup in 2003 (Germany).

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