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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Amp 3 S-series pitch/profile

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I played roller hockey for the last 2 seasons and here is my situation:

I have an old pair of of these mission skates bought used, and I skate pretty decent in them considering I'm a first-time ice hockey skater, I also have a pair of Vapor Shift(also used) with lightspeed 2 holder/steel.

With the fact that the pitch/profile probably has changed over use from sharpening and the last owner's preferences aside, does anyone know what the pitch/profile(radius, etc) of the holder/steel on the missions are, the holder has the "drive shaft" feature.

I will be bringing them both down to my LHS to try and get the Missions to match my Vapor w/ LSP2 if they know how, but would like to have an idea why I can't skate anywhere close to what I can in the missions.


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Think the LHS should be able to help you with that... provided that they have the necessary experience in doing so.

I'd take both skates to a few LHS to get a consensus, unless you know you can trust one particular LHS.

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