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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To cut a Bauer XXX lite OPS

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Hi, please help.

I'm trying to cut a Bauer XXX lite. I've been cutting inch by inch to find the size that fit in the tapered blade but no luck yet. I'm worried that the shaft will be way too short after it is done. The shaft is even shorter than my synergy cut OPS now, but still can't find the spot.

Anyone done this on this stick can tell me at which exact spot you cut?


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the xxx lites are hit or miss in terms of converting them into a shaft as the tapered area is rounded. I wouldn't bother seeing as how it's already shorter than your synergy.

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Unless you're strapped for a backup, what you are trying to do isn't going to give you very good results. Given that you probably already have cut into the manufactured flex area, you're not going have a high performance shaft on your hands when you are done.

You might as well be flipping the thing over and putting a standard blade into the wrong end at that point.

This pretty much goes for nearly all of the "true" one-piece sticks IMO.

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