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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis Sizing ?

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I see giant is got easton's for a crazy price, and i got a generator chassis lying around here somewhere. It says a medium chassis fits 9-11.5. And Giant is only selling size 12 eastons in Zairs/Comps. If i decided to throw a medium chassis on a size 12 skate would there be a problem? Could the 1/2 a size make a huge difference?

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It depends on what you like out of a chassis. There are those players at eleite levels that typically mount a chassis one size smaller than "stock" because they feel the shorter chassis provide better manouverability. Then some others like the feel of the the longer chassis for extra push and stability.

As you can tell from your own research, the same chassis is used over a pretty wide range of skates, so you are really just making it slightly shorter than on a 1/2 size smaller anyway....maybe only as little as 1/4" difference in the overall boot length.

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